SAN FERNANDO CITY – The Schools Division Office of San Carlos City (SDO-SCC) takes pride of its Carlos and Carlene Network (CCN) broadcast and recording center serving as a studio in the production of video lessons and contextualized learning materials for their learners.

Through their Project Future-Ready Electronic Education (FREE), the production and airing of digitized instructional materials are now in full swing for utilization of their teachers and learners in all 75 public schools in the SDO-SCC. 

“What makes it unique with our CCN is the interaction of teachers and learners while having classes during the live broadcast,” Dr. Lourdes Servito, SDO-SCC Superintendent, said in her message during the launching, held in October last year.

FREE is an innovation of the SDO-SCC which enhances and augments the online activities and classes in both elementary and secondary schools.

“We envisioned the project to be future-ready by providing an alternative mode of delivery that is useful at this time of pandemic and even more when we return to face-to-face instruction,” Villamor Gloria, Schools Governance and Operations Division chief, shares.

Aside from the printed modules for each learning area being distributed to learners, the video lessons were produced to give the learners a better understanding of the printed modules given to them.

Learners watch the video lessons live through the official Facebook page and YouTube channel of the division.

But those without internet connectivity can still access and watch for the recorded videos saved in the OTG flash drives to be connected to their gadgets.

At present, video lessons are being live-streamed via the YouTube daily, and as of January, SDO-SCC has produced 108 Video lessons for the elementary level and 89 for the secondary level.

The Latter-Day Saints Charities, the humanitarian arm of the Jesus Christ Church of Latter-Day Saints, provided 700,000 pesos worth of broadcast equipment for the CCN.

Earlier, SDO-SCC has also maximized radio-based instruction program to deliver learning materials in partnership with four local broadcast stations, with their Project PRIME (Promoting Radio-Based instruction vis-à-vis MELC- Based Education). #

By: Joanna Diaz-Sabado, Public Affairs Unit (with reports from Education Program Supervisor Glenda Doria, Division Information Officer)